Friday 26 August 2011

Strobe Type Photos

Exactly when and where these were taken in unknown, although they possibly could have been photographed at June Palmer’s Strobe Studios at the outset of Mary’s glamour modelling career. Photos courtesy of RBT Foot.


  1. It would be nice to see the pictures of Mary without the horrible red slogan across the middle!

  2. The person who sent me these asked for them to be watermarked before they were uploaded here. I’m not the biggest fan of watermarking, but better they are up here like that than not at all.

  3. Please,these photos are watermarked for a reason,these are very early and very rare photographs of Mary Millington when she was Maxted.Incidentally my friend was asked to watermark them by me[or they would not be seen by anybody]which would be such a shame.They are watermarked for one simple reason and that is theft,they are not there to be ripped and copied on ebay or the like for gain like one unscrupulous person did,these are for the wider audience to see, so the watermark stays I'm afraid. Rob AFN33..
